What Delights You?

We have endured quite a bit of negativity in the news and trauma throughout the pandemic.

I was looking for ways to assist burned out teachers, frontline workers and all who are grieving from profound loss. Loss not necessarily to death. Loss of two years of life. Loss of connection. Loss of physical health. Loss of income. Loss of time with peers. Loss of important events. Missing out on important life events like weddings, reunions, vacations and graduations. 

Ross Gay's, "The Book of Delights" helped me instill further mindfulness by engaging in the practice of delight. A subtle shift from daily responsibilities like catching up on 250 emails, being pressed for time, multi-tasking and rushing to complete the to do list. The constant distraction of text messages, scrolling on social media, and carpooling kids to sporting events. The burden of all of the mundane tasks we're required to do as opposed to the things we TRULY want to do.

As I began to mindfully notice the Daily Delights in my own life, change began to occur. 

I made a conscious decision to stop watching television six months ago.

I decided to Embrace Solitude and be more fully present, showing up in my own life!

I implemented this practice of noticing Daily Delights and it has definitely brought more Joy into my life. 

Here are some of my Daily Delights:

The scent of morning coffee

Fetch with dog

Preparing a meal for my family

Walking instead of driving

Watching dog gaze at dog treats

Painting rocks, indoor furniture and porch steps

Sending my husband a card in the mail

Watching dog drink water from the hose

Watering flowers

Planting hydrangea trees and watching them bloom

Playing board games

Playing cards

Hosting dinner parties

Planning retreats

Walking in the rain with my husband


Searching for Beach Glass

Watching new basil plant grow

Completing puzzles with my husband

Less screen time

Cooking with love

Listening to piano

Singing and dancing

Observing birds and squirrels in yard

When I am engaged in these Daily Delights, I am fully present with myself.

Ask yourself, when you are fully present...on purpose, with intention, noticing the daily delights in your own life? 

By becoming more aware of our daily delights, we can begin to implement more of these delights into our lives consistently, and ultimately, manifest more joy!

The peace and calm will be so inviting! 

You'll begin carving out time for the simple pleasures that enhance your wellbeing!

For you, it might be golf, washing your car, or kayaking.

Research indicates the health benefits of these Daily Delights are tremendous too!

As I reflect on Daily Delights, it reminds me of simpler times. 

Less tech, more nature. It is precisely what occurs on a Beach Glass Escape:)

Be Delighted!
Marla, xo